
March happenings

We finished out February celebrating Sage's 3rd Birthday! We got her a lemonade golf ball stand and cash register, now we're hoping for some good sales this summer. 

This three year old will occasionally nap for me still! :)

Head lights and fake glasses.

Our March was pretty much consumed with tearing out our old stone on our fireplace and relaying new stuff, also tearing out floor and replacing that. It was a chaotic, dusty, messy month but we are grateful for the ones who came and helped and that it is done! Maybe I can compile some before/after shots for a post some day...

Tucker got what we believe was roseola over spring break. High fever for a few days followed by a rash. He didn't seem to have trouble falling asleep while saws and hammers were going on in the same room. Poor kiddo.

Feels most grown up with purses, junk, chapstick, watches, etc. 

I believe I was about 37 weeks here. :)

Why go in at dark when you can wear your head lamps out after and have more fun?!

Tucker and Sage could play with match box cars all day. All of my kiddos have loved these things. Best toys ever.

Tuckers shoes and fake glasses make for a pretty cute little girl. :)

Glad to have a matchbox car track back after we put the new fireplace hearth in.

Dresses are made for twirling

That leaves us here, enjoying our furniture again and waiting for baby #4 to make his or her arrival this month! :)

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© Life Inspired
Maira Gall