

 First thing every morning Tucker wants to play on the tablet tab-uh-let 
(said with three syllables, not two, may I add)
He can't quite master the temple run game so he lets his sister play sometimes too. 

I wanted to get a picture of the three kids the other night... these two were posing while I was getting my camera ready. They really are best buddies. :)

Sage is four months old today.
She loves her naps, blankie, and her sister Brooklyn is probably her favorite person.
She like sitting up and seeing what is happening around her. 

**Two of my cousins are having surgery tomorrow for a kidney transplant. One being the giver and one the receiver. 

I love these guys so much and know they will appreciate all of your prayers!!! 
Brent has been a fighter his whole life and is probably one of the strongest people I know. I know he is looking very forward to getting off dialysis! 
Merle has a heart of gold.  I see my Grandpa Blunier so much in him, he is a natural giver and a wonderful friend and example to me! :)

Trudy does good at updating on her blog here.

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Maira Gall