
photos of fall

Hello to the faithful few who enjoy reading my personal posts that I do so horribly posting anymore. A bit late, and out of order, but wanted to post some our our fall. I realize that when I am busy with photo sessions I don't do as good taking pictures of my own kiddos at home. But here are the few that I did get anyway. 

My punny halloween kiddos this year...

"raining cats and dogs"

"smart cookie"

 "cloud nine"

 I believe this was one of the unseasonably warm days in November! 
Very thankful for neighbors to play with. :)

Our trip to tanners orchard with cousins!

For Tucker's birthday this year we got him a real bow and arrow. It was perfect! He loves it and it's just his size. One of Daniel's buddies even gave him a block to target practice on. He frequently goes out to shoot "deer" and then comes in and makes me backstraps; per my request. And then my mouth gets all watery and I get a craving for some real backstraps. :(

 This fall was pretty good to us... we had some beautiful days and the kiddos got to spend a lot of time outside. 
Now onward into the freezing abyss that is winter. Take luck and good riddance. 

the one who is always cold.

1 comment

  1. Could you tell me what brand of bow and arrows you got? Have they held up?


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Maira Gall