
Alayna | newborn

 I had the opportunity to take another sweet newborn session the other evening. 
As I was looking through the images later it struck me how confident and natural these new parents seemed, how all of my new mamas I photograph seem, even the first time ones. As I thought on that a bit (late night editing = deep thoughts) it dawned on me.. maybe they don't all feel confident, maybe they don't feel natural, maybe they even feel scared. Because as I mom I still feel like that sometimes. 

But what I was seeing was love.
And it is natural, and it is confident, and so beautiful. I don't think I'll ever get sick of capturing the miracle of new life and love.

Here's a little peak into our session with Alayna!


  1. ok that last pic is beautiful! i love how shes totally checking out her daddy!!

  2. Adorable pictures! The last one is my favorite!


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Maira Gall