
January in photos

 Thought I'd quick pop in with a little post of our January. Pretty laid back and not much going on. I need to do a little better at getting my big camera out.

Tucker and his little buddy, Dalyah. He loves it when friends come over!

Okay, this little succulent I got sprouted this something or other. It actually got about twice as tall before i cut it off. (oops, I know I probably should't have.. it was not showing any signs of flowering and started to look a bit goofy)

She loves anything make believe and sweeping is up there on top. If only that sweeper did a little better job...

Typical school pick up fashion: 
socks or shoes on the wrong feet, pajamas still on (backwards this particular day because his mother doesn't give 2 hoots), and something thrown on to keep them from freezing but able to still strap in their seats. :)

notice the random sticker that made its way to his jacket...

Sisters! It's fun to see the little family God hand picked for us and how they love and interact with each other. It's a good thing He's the one in charge! :)

This was supposed to be a father-son picture, but the dad was embarrassed to still be in bed on this particular Saturday morning. ;)

Maybe my best idea all month; introduce Brooklyn to doing the dishes.  All for fostering independence and hard work ethic in my children of course, no selfish motives whatsoever. 

Reading to her line up of stuffed animals. 

And, this favorite little boy of mine! :)

So rumor has it that the groundhog did not see his shadow the other day which means that spring is just around the corner. (I google these important types of things, so trust me on this.)
I also choose to be optimistic in believing this... take that as you will.
Happy Spring!! ;-)

1 comment

  1. love this as always! Love the fact that it really looks like spring out there, even though it doesn't feel like it!!!


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Maira Gall