
our December

Prepare for an onslaught of pictures...

We had a wonderful December and lots of fun celebrations! I really feel like we're in a sweet spot with the kiddos right now (ok, maybe I always think that...) 

It's fun to see Sage interacting with the older two more and it's been freeing to let them run and do their own thing. As sad as it is to see them grow up, it's equally nice to let them go a bit and actually sit* and enjoy a slower pace.

Except forget I said slower pace... toddlers aren't exactly slow paced.
especially this one!
But the sweetness totally makes them worth the effort! :) hehe

This year instead of getting the kids gifts to open we took them to a hotel for the night. They loved it!  And we took full advantage of the fact that one night in east peoria at a hotel with a swimming pool and a river view does it for them. I'm sure in the next few years we will have to upgrade to water parks, etc!

Lets go mom...

Puddle jumpers and kids who love to swim = mom and dad not having to put on their swimming suits. :)
 Although we did join them once to throw em' around a bit. :)

This kid has been playing paw patrol lately and It cracks me up how long he can play with two mini dogs having imaginary situations! Ahh creativity.

This kids, is why you don't get rid of 90's games. Your offspring will find them and think they are as great as you did when you opened it for Christmas 17 years ago in your grandparents basement. 

Yes, I remember it like yesterday. 

We took the kiddos through the festival of lights on Christmas eve.
No line whatsoever!
(shh don't tell, its our little secret!)

Oh yes, and we all wore our pjs for fun too.
isn't that cute.

The two older kids slept under the tree this year, a tradition I remember doing as a kid. :)

Christmas morning!
Tuckers favorite stocking stuffer, this shirt!

Sage's favorite stocking stuffer:
"tandy tane!!"
I'm not sure how withdrawal will go for her when we run out!

Ready for church. (on time! - 10 bonus points!)

Celebrating with my family in the afternoon. 
Crazy child #5 & 6

 Crazy child #s 1-4...

More than likely begging for a "tandy tane" 

Master of King Julian impersonations received a surprise gift this year.
"It's me, King Julian... which of you is attracted to me?!"
entertainment for days.

And that's a wrap! :) 
Thankful for a healthy, fun 2015 and looking forward to 2016!!

1 comment

  1. I've been a subscriber of Life Inspired for quite a while. Imagine my surprise when I saw my own name come up as a photographer! You are truly gifted. And your work is inspiring. Thank you for posting. God Bless


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Maira Gall